Near resource upside
264 Zone
The 264 Zone remains underexplored with an area of 2km by 4km and very little exploration work completed.
Hole 18TK0264 was a new discovery with a similar geological setting as the Tamarack Resource area.
The 264 Zone will be explored as part of the present resource expansion program. The work will consist of a surface geophysical program to identify the continuity of the mineralization, identify a new sizeable anomaly and to identify new areas to be drilled subsequently.

Plan view map of the 264 Zone, located 3.5 km to the north of the Tamarack Resource Area. The map shows the location of the last drill holes in the area, drill hole18TK0264, and location of the borehole EM anomaly. The area is open with large portion not explored.
221 Zone
The 221 Zone was discovered in 2015. The area remains under-explored with 8 holes in the area and some of the highest grades hit at the Tamarack Project in hole 15TK0229. Several holes show interpreted borehole EM anomalies; however, the drill holes are condensed in one area.
This area is 2km by 1.5km and will be the focus of the present resource expansion program starting with surface and borehole EM. The objectives are to define the continuity of the anomaly and identify other sizeable anomalies to focus the Company’s drilling program.

Plan view map of the 221 Zone, located 1.5 km to the north of the Tamarack Resource Area. The map shows the location of the historical drill holes and location of borehole EM anomaly. The area is open with large portion not explored.
Neck Area
The Neck represents 4km of strike length. It has received little exploration with some sporadic drilling in 2015 and 2016. Previous drilling was successful with 1.1m of 2.55% Ni and 4.32% Cu in hole 16TK0263 starting at 1044.45m (see the Company’s press release dated November 21, 2016).
Future work will consist of completing a surface and borehole EM survey to identify a potential target of size.
The Company remains committed to working in this area as soon as possible, as it has great geological potential being at the mouth of a large magma chamber, the “Bowl Intrusion”.
Reading: Naldrett, A. World-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: key factors in their genesis. Mineral Deposits 34, 227-240 (1999).

Plan view map of the Neck Area, located 3.5 km to the south of the Tamarack Resource Area. The map shows the location of the historical drill holes in the area and location of the interpreted borehole EM anomaly. The area is open with a large portion not explored.