Alan King
Talon Technical Committee Member
Alan received a B.Sc. in geology from the University of Toronto in 1976 and an M.Sc. in geophysics from Macquarie University in 1989. From 1976 to 1984 he worked as a geophysicist in exploration and resource development in Canada and Australasia. In 1985 he joined GeoPhysiCon Co. Ltd. in Calgary Canada where he was involved in mining, geotechnical, oilsands and environmental applications for a variety of commodities. In 1990 he was employed by Inco Exploration and Technical Services Inc. as a senior geophysicist and in 1995 was promoted to Manager of Geophysics with responsibility for global exploration. With the takeover of Inco by Vale in 2007 he moved to Brazil to assist with Vale’s geophysical work in Brazil and moved back Canada in 2011. From 2009 to 2012 Alan was Chief Geophysicist for Vale Global Exploration working on geophysical applications for base metals, iron, manganese, coal and fertilizers (potash and phosphate) as well as target generation using regional and global data sets.Alan is currently working as a consultant with his own company Geoscience North His professional interests include the use of geophysics and new technology (and ideas) in exploration, mining, environmental, geotechnical and other applications.